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Social Media on todays World.

Young people using popular social media platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok are constantly exposed to unrealistic beauty standards and ideals that can be harmful to their mental and physical health. Currently, the trend is to have a slim waist, round buttocks, and skinny legs.

A decade ago, the “thigh gap” was all the rage, where a visible space between the inner thighs was considered desirable. This trend, also known as “legging legs,” promoted extreme dieting and exercise to achieve the look.

Despite the dangers of aspiring to have a thigh gap, many are still unaware of the risks. Search queries like “Is a thigh gap healthy?” and “How to get a thigh gap fast?” are common. Challenges promoting tiny waists that can be wrapped around for someone to drink from a water bottle are also popular.

Videos showing “What I eat in a day” have gained popularity, with influencers showcasing their low-carb and sugar-free diets. However, the trend of “body positivity” advocates for accepting one’s body as it is, though such content is not as prominent on social media due to algorithms showing users content based on their preferences.

Research has shown that taking a break from social media can significantly improve self-esteem and body image. A study by York University found that women who refrained from social media for just one week reported enhanced body image, particularly those who had internalized thin beauty ideals. The break allowed them to engage in healthier behaviors like spending time with friends, playing sports, and being outdoors.

Despite attempts to regulate harmful content on social media, compliance from tech companies has been minimal. The EU’s Digital Services Act aims to protect minors by requiring network operators to delete harmful content, but a report by Reset found that less than 30% of problematic content was actually removed, with TikTok deleting even less.

On the whole, the user and the use of social media continues to rise, particularly among younger generations, making it challenging to escape damaging beauty standards promoted on these platforms.

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